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9 minutes walk from JR Tozai Line "Mitejima" station, 9 minutes walk from JR Kobe Line "Tsukamoto" station

To a liveable city with an atmosphere of elegance.

A living area adjacent to the city center, a liveable town with an atmosphere of elegance.

Location 2-23-22 Nozato, Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka City
Transportation 9 minutes walk from JR Tozai Line "Mitejima" station, 9 minutes walk from JR Kobe Line "Tsukamoto" station
Area/District 都市計画区域内、市街化区域、第一種住居地域、準防火地域
The Classification of land Residential land
The building-to-house ratio 33.86%
Floor area ratio 299.90%
Lot area Registered area, measured area, area subject to sale: 503.46㎡ / Area subject to building confirmation: 503.43m²
Building area 170.43m²
Building gross floor area 1,944.67㎡ / Volumetric area 1,509.76m²
Structure/Scale Reinforced concrete construction, 14 stories above ground
Total units 65Units
Selling units 65Units
Building certification number BCJ22大建確033(令和4年8月18日)
Driveway burden None
Layout 1K・1DK
Dwelling footprint 21.09㎡~26.64㎡
Balcony area 3.63㎡~6.60㎡
Parking 10 units
Motor cycle storage 2 units
Mini Motor cycle storage 3 units
Bicycle storage 55 units (Rack type: 25 units, Slide rack type: 30 units)
Right form after selling lots The site, common parts of the building, and attached facilities are jointly owned based on the exclusive area ownership ratio, and the private parts of the building are owned separately.
Management form A management association is established by all unit owners, and the management association entrusts management to a trustee.
Completion Mid-March 2024
Moving in Mid-April 2024
Seller Nissei Advance
Design/Supervision IAO Tanaka Sekkei
Execution Maywa Komuten
Management company Global community Inc. / Advanced Management Inc.
Access to drawing and specification "ADVANCE OSAKA FLEUVE" management room